Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A paper alternative for plastic cards!? Say goodbye to PVC, hello to paper!

I'm all about Creation Care.  I mean it!  We've got one planet to live on and pass on as a home to our children and I think we should do our best to take care of it!  If you agree you'll really love the Envi Card stock in the link below.

Without going off on much of a tangent, I'll say this. Ten or so years ago when I helped introduce one of the first FSC what's this? certified printing papers in the U.S. marketplace, I wanted to understand the buzz it was a part of: Corporate Social Responsibility, "Going Green", global warming/climate change and so on.  So I read a lot, listened a lot and learned a lot.  Not long after,  I became a mother, my interest piqued altogether.

About then my clients, who had buttered the paper mills' bread by printing beautiful marketing pieces disguised as financial documents called annual reports, were told by the SEC they no longer had to print & physically distribute them as long as they were available on the website.  Blah.

Now there was talk of annual reports being replaced by sustainability reports, and granted I have seen and worked on a number of interesting ones, but it's not the same.  At all.

I digress.  My point was, during the course of my self-education it became evident that my beloved paper WAS after all ever so "green" click here for these secret paper factoids and the real bad guys were those tyrannical monsters making plastic.  Whoever they are.  

But seriously, if we're talking about what happens in a landfill, our dear friend plastic is nowhere near as biodegradable as paper.  SO, if you ask me "paper or plastic?" well......

With that may I bring to your attention a totally recyclable paper substitute for PVC gift or loyalty cards we have just launched called Envi Card Stock.  This product is FSC-Certified, manufactured carbon-neutral AND prints beautifully.  What more could you want?  Contact me for samples or see more here. This is very exciting!
About two weeks ago we co-hosted an event for digital printers with Mohawk Fine Paper at the HP Education & Training facility in Alpharetta, GA.  I was really wowed!
Not only was it fun to see the entire range of commercial printing equipment manufactured by HP, (think GIANT large format printers and Inkjet web presses), but it was great to hear the mill talk about their Mohawk MakeReady initiative.  See the website

Any digital printer in the world would benefit from subscribing to this community today!!  Besides, Mohawk has been involved with OEMs from the earliest days of digital printing and has a TON of great products for digital printing.  Not just on HP Indigos but all types of digital equipment.
The most recent, and unique, addition to their product lineup is specifically for digital printing and we showed it off that day.  It's called Bravo Digital Substrates.  One can think of embedded postcards, magnets, and other VDP custom solutions.  Swatch books are extremely limited but LMK and I can bring you samples.  This stuff gets those creative gears turning!

Where has Wausau fine paper gone? To the other badgers-Neenah!

Paper mills have come and gone as well as brand names, colors, textures and finishes within brands.  I've always considered it part of my job to update specifiers with changes and recycle outdated swatch books so they don't specify a paper that is unavailable.  (This can be tough when they've already sold the client on a particular stock!)

With frequent mill consolidation in the last 5-6 years, and sadly a few mill closures, change always seems around the bend, but even so there was a big one recently with our Text, Cover and Writing partner Wausau Paper.

Though Mac Papers is still your source to purchase, now if you need Astrobrights, Astroparche, Royal Fiber, Royal Linen, Wausau Bright White or Exact papers they will be manufactured and marketed by Neenah PaperMore info here.

Once I have updated swatch book information I'll post.  In the meantime, it's best to call before you specify.

Paper 101

One of our fine Mac Papers salesmen and I will teach a Paper 101 class tomorrow.  The audience this time are employees at a printing company, but we also do these for college students and other graphic arts professionals.

It's always a very rewarding experience to share my knowledge and hopefully impart my love for paper to others.  Sure, it's important to teach the pricing, the jargon, and technical specifications to folks, but the fun part is putting paper, printed and unprinted, in people's hands and allowing their senses to take over.  There's nothing quite like it.  I ♥ paper!!

Loving some letterpress...and the road warrior behind it!

Wow.  There has been a lot going on & I have so much to catch my paper friends up on.  First of all, before I forget, found out today about a really NEAT womentrepreneur coming through Atlanta next week.  It's Kyle Durrie and her letterpress shop on wheels go here to see more or catch her  Saturday February 18 at the Young Blood Gallery & Boutique, 636 N. Highland Ave. details.

The reason I'm so excited about Kyle's mission is there's no denying the beauty of lovely letterpress on just the right paper stock.  One of the industry favorites is Neenah Paper's Crane's Lettra.  We at Mac Papers proudly carry this as well as all Neenah's other paper lines (more on that in a minute)!  

What's special about Lettra, and my other favorite, Savoy from Reich Paper, is the fiber comes from cotton not from trees.  That means it's softer and fluffier and feels absolutely elegant.  Never mind how great it feels to write on.  Oh my!  I can always tell the difference.

So go see this woman and support her rolling history lesson, art show, and passion.  She will demonstrate printing on a variety of paper, but I'm most intrigued to see what movable type does to Reich Savoy 236 lb. COVER described here and sold through Mac Papers!!!

P.S.  The event was FABulous!!  Here are a few pictures: