Thursday, January 12, 2012

Going out tomorrow with Sappi Fine Paper.  We're going to tell people about the NEW OPUS PS, DULL finish and give out the always-gorgeous Kit Hinrichs typography calendars.  Calendars are a great example of where paper works best.  I always suggest making a dummy before producing one to be sure the weight is ample for hanging flat, the surface is good for writing and erasing, and the size is truly functional.

Veterans will remember the gorgeous Zanders calendars from years ago.  Weren't they spectacular?  Last year I loved my Kate Spade calendar which was on one of Mohawk's uncoated papers.

Can I update your sWATCH cabinet?

I'm told days of paper merchants specification representatives have passed.

In some respects I completely understand why.  On the other hand, I believe there are still plenty of people who buy printing, LOVE paper, want to know what's new and how to be sure they have current resources for choosing the right substrate.  I'm here to help.
I know, I know it's PAPER for heaven's sake, and you can't touch and feel it through a computer, tablet or phone!!  So true.  For that, thankfully, we still offer an abundance of printed and unprinted samples through our sample department.

Since I'm with the Atlanta Branch of Mac Papers, this blog will focus on Atlanta,

We have inventory and bricks and mortar all over the Southeast, but Atlanta alone has 180Msq.ft. inventory of skids, cartons, rolls of paper and hundreds of other items for digital, conventional, wide format printing/packaging/wide format/graphics applications.  And we show environmental leadership with FSC, SFI, and PEFC Chain-of-Custody certifications.

I am a huge believer in the value, importance, sustainability and fun of this business, so I hope you'll join me on this journey!   

Let's update your sWATCH cabinet....Mendy

Simply put, that's how this blog got it's name the sWATCH cabinet.  It's a modern, timely way to share -on behalf of Mac Papers' Atlanta- what's new and exciting from the vast number of manufacturers we represent, help specifiers through my experience and tell a few of the hilarious stories that inevitably happen along the way!