Thursday, October 11, 2012

BurdgeCooper...and me

I'm excited to begin a new chapter in my professional career this Monday, October 15th.  I've decided to join BurdgeCooper in Atlanta.

The L.A. & Atlanta printer does lithography and digital work but admittedly I'm most excited about the craft printing - engraving, embossing, die-cutting, letterpress, foil stamping and thermography they excel in producing.  It's what takes an ordinary sheet of paper and turns it into something EXTRAordinary!

And who couldn't use a few more beautiful printed things and a little less electronic clutter in their life these days?

If I could engrave this blog...I would.  :)

So, look for the content here to change.  While I hope to remain on top of what's new with paper, my focus shifts to what's being done with the paper!

Also, treat yourself to a delightful video, behind the scenes of the craft of engraving. 

Until next time!  Mendy